Friday, November 4, 2011

Fresh Air

I have been preaching a series called, "Fresh Air". The goal of this series is to breath some "Fresh Air" into our relationship with God. The theme verse talks about someone in the bible that most people have never heard of... 

(2 Timothy 1:16 TLB) “May the Lord bless Onesiphorus and all his family because he visited me and encouraged me often. His visits revived me like a breath of fresh air.”

Onesiphorus visited Paul in prison and encouraged the Apostle Paul (Who wrote 2/3's of the New Testament). Even Paul had a time, in his walk with God, when he needed fresh wind in his sails.

So if your relationship with God has become a little are not alone. We all need some fresh air from time to time. Let me encourage you to stay on course, continue in The Word, pray with a purpose and a passion, and serve God the way He has made you...and oh yea, maybe you could encourage someone today and breath life into theirs.

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