Friday, January 16, 2009

Closer: 30 Days of Prayer and Fasting

Now that I’m in my 40’s (as hard as it is to believe I admit “yeah I’m in my forties”), one of the things I am learning to really enjoy is a passion for practicing reflection. I truly believe it is hard to chart a good future and keep the wind of His Spirit in your sails if you’ve never taken time to look back over the sea of life you have just covered – whether it is for ministry, family, friendship, or seasons of life.

Stopping for reflection is a key to understanding this life in the Spirit. Check out 1 Corninthians 2:10 where Paul reminds us that “God has revealed it to us by His Spirit.” To see life by His Spirit – now, that’s the journey I want.

So for me, one of the essentials of all this is the fasting we have been talking about. I need it in my life. These are days to seek a laser focus on what God is saying by the Spirit and the Spirit of His Word that can be amplified by our dedication to a fast.

My prayer for you today as you sail across this 2009 is for your faith to be strengthened as you reflect on what God has done – on what He is doing now during this personal devotion time – and on what He is going to do with you on this amazing voyage called life.

So set your sails. The wind is blowing. And the seas are calling. -Pastor Dino Rizzo

1 comment:

billy-o said...

Buck I love these daily devotionals! Keep them up! I don't want to stop reading them! I find myself being happier while I'm reading these! Wow! I can't for the next days and the days to come! Keep it up! Thanks again for taking the time do these and can you thank caleb too? You guys are doing a great job! God bless!